Wednesday 8 January 2020

Making a Basic Car Roblox day #2

 What did you do?
Today I'm building a basic car in Roblox Studio. It took 5 tries to build this car I might be dumb or something went wrong when I was building it 
What did you learn?
 I learn making a basic car is not basic that not cause again took me 5 attempt. 
What will you do tomorrow? 
I will build a campfire and fireworks 
Today I will build a props trees 
 and Plants 

1st picture: I was making the wheel for the car 
2nd picture: I put the wheel join the fame of the car 
3th picture: copy the 1st wheel 
 then paste to the other side of the car to make the back wheels of the car
4th picture: same as the 3th picture but is the front wheels 
5th picture: I welded the back
wheels to the frame of the car and hinge the front wheels 

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